Publié-e: 2021-03-02

Research Articles and Notes

Editorial Board

Stefan Gleissberg
Abstract 521 | PDF (English) Downloads 73 | DOI

Page i-ii

Status of seabirds, habitat, and invasive species in the Cordillera Reef Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico

Luis A. Ramos-Vázquez, Nahíra Arocho-Hernández, Cielo Figuerola-Hernández, José L. Herrera-Giraldo, Jan P. Zegarra-Vila
Abstract 1602 | PDF (English) Downloads 291 | DOI

Page 1-11

Broad-billed Tody (Todus subulatus) response to playback of vocalizations and non-vocal sounds

Vivian M. Lee, Alejandra Pérez, Olive Onyekwelu, Jordan M. Chan, Dominic E. Cannady-Lindner, Alexander A. Levitskiy, María Teresa Reinoso-Pérez, André A. Dhondt
Abstract 1222 | PDF (English) Downloads 598 | DOI

Page 12-16

Características de la migración otoñal de Seiurus aurocapilla (Aves: Parulidae) en el cabo de San Antonio, Cuba

Karina Velazco Pérez, Felix Noel Estrada Piñero, Hiram González Alonso, Alina Pérez Hernández
Abstract 1049 | PDF (English) Downloads 544 | DOI

Page 17-28

Morphological traits of four land bird species in Grenada

Alexandra Heathcote, Paulson Des Brisay, Christopher De Ruyck, Paula Grieef, Nicola Koper
Abstract 1036 | PDF (English) Downloads 708 | DOI

Page 41-52

New host species records of a parasitic fly (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) in montane forests of Hispaniola

Pedro M. Alarcón-Elbal, Holly M. Garrod, Spencer C. Schubert, Alonso Santos Murgas
Abstract 1084 | PDF (English) Downloads 568 | DOI

Page 53-56

Persistence of Audubon’s Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri) and Bridled Tern (Onychoprion anaethetus) in cave breeding refugia on Mona Island, Puerto Rico

Cielo E. Figuerola-Hernández, Rickard S. Toomey III, Patricia Kambesis, José L. Herrera-Giraldo, Nick D. Holmes
Abstract 1149 | PDF (English) Downloads 583 | DOI

Page 81-84

Abundance and density estimates of landbirds on Grenada

Eleanor S. Devenish-Nelson, Howard P. Nelson
Abstract 706 | PDF (English) Downloads 498 | DOI

Page 88-98

First report of a Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) on Bermuda

Andrew le F. Dobson, Andrea Webb, Ingela Perrson, Richard Brewer, Luke Foster, Miguel A. Mejías
Abstract 553 | PDF (English) Downloads 373 | DOI

Page 99-102

Book Reviews

Birds of Cuba: A Photographic Guide

Steven C. Latta
Abstract 851 | PDF (English) Downloads 490 | DOI

Page 57-58

The Birds of Cuba: An Annotated Checklist

Steven C. Latta
Abstract 858 | PDF (English) Downloads 494 | DOI

Page 59-60

Recent Ornithological Literature From the Caribbean