Published: 2022-04-01

Research Articles and Notes

Editorial Board

Stefan Gleissberg
Abstract 319 | PDF Downloads 149 | DOI

Page i-ii

Evidence of a Late Holocene giant barn owl (Aves: Strigiformes: Tytonidae) in Guadeloupe

Monica Gala, Véronique Laroulandie, Arnaud Lenoble
Abstract 1569 | PDF Downloads 853 | DOI

Page 40-46

Conservation opportunities for tern species at two Ramsar sites on Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

Fernando Simal, Adriana Vallarino, Elisabeth Albers
Abstract 1063 | PDF Downloads 594 | DOI

Page 63-69

The short-term impacts of Hurricane Maria on the forest birds of Dominica

Andrew Fairbairn, Ian Thornhill, Thomas Edward Martin, Robin Hayward, Rebecca Ive, Josh Hammond, Sacha Newman, Priya Pollard, Charlotte Anne Palmer
Abstract 1450 | PDF Downloads 837 | DOI

Page 70-82

Variability of the Grenada Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus) diet

Arnaud Lenoble, Laurent Charles, Nathalie Serrand
Abstract 705 | PDF Downloads 370 | DOI

Page 90-95

Status and distribution of the Antillean Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus antillarum) on the island of Grenada

Ezra Angella Campbell, Jody Daniel, Andrea Easter-Pilcher, Nicola Koper
Abstract 575 | PDF Downloads 340 | DOI

Page 108-119


A review of wood warbler (Parulidae) predation of vertebrates and descriptions of three new observations

Michael E. Akresh, Steven Lamonde, Lillian Stokes, Cody M. Kent, Frank Kahoun, Janet M. Clarke Storr
Abstract 1637 | PDF Downloads 854 | DOI

Page 29-39

Status of the Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) on and around the islands of Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire

Jeffrey V. Wells, Elly Albers, Michiel Oversteegen, Sven Oversteegen, Henriette de Vries, Rob Wellens
Abstract 554 | PDF Downloads 383 | DOI

Page 83-88

Perspectives and Opinions

Book Reviews

Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr.
Abstract 1313 | PDF Downloads 829 | DOI

Page 47-49

The Puerto Rico Breeding Bird Atlas

Leopoldo Miranda-Castro
Abstract 1013 | PDF Downloads 739 | DOI

Page 50-51

In Memoriam

In memoriam: Dr. Robert L. Norton, 1945–2022

Andrew Dobson, Natasha Atkins, Patricia Bradley, Jaime Collazo, Natalia Collier, Daphne Gemmill, Scott Johnson, Anthony Levesque, Fred Schaffner, Lisa Sorenson, Ann Sutton, Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr.
Abstract 1020 | PDF Downloads 694 | DOI

Page 25-28

In memoriam: Dr. Frank H. Wadsworth, 1915–2022

Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr., Yaritza M. Bobonis-Vázquez, Dayamiris Candelario, Eleanor S. Devenish-Nelson, Victor M. Cuevas Padró, Claus-Martin Eckelmann, Derick G. Gil Hernández, Marilyn Headley, Carol James, Howard P. Nelson, Eliezer Nieves-Rodríguez, Orlando Rivera, María M. Rivera Costa, Jean-Philippe Rochet, Eugenio Santiago-Valentín
Abstract 1249 | PDF Downloads 723 | DOI

Page 52-58


Recent Ornithological Literature From the Caribbean