Research Articles and Notes
Parámetros reproductivos y características del hábitat de nidificación del Gavilán Caracolero (Rostrhamus sociabilis) en dos humedales de Cuba
Abstract 914 | PDF Downloads 706 | DOI 1-7
Tamaños de los moluscos consumidos por el Gavilán Caracolero (Rhostramus sociabilis) en el Gran Humedal del Norte de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba
Abstract 779 | PDF Downloads 630 | DOI 8-11
Fossil Cuban Crow Corvus cf. nasicus from a late Quaternary cave deposit in northern Matanzas, Cuba
Abstract 1812 | PDF Downloads 734 | DOI 12-16
Diurnal activity patterns of Black-Necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) during the non-breeding season in the eastern Caribbean
Abstract 1003 | PDF Downloads 611 | DOI 17-21
Status of breeding Wilson’s Plovers (Charadrius wilsonia) on St. Kitts, West Indies
Abstract 788 | PDF Downloads 633 | DOI 22-25
Nearctic-Neotropical migrant wood-warbler populations in St. Martin, West Indies
Abstract 763 | PDF Downloads 595 | DOI 26-32
Descripción de los huevos de Aura Tiñosa (Cathartes aura) en Cuba
Abstract 1936 | PDF Downloads 832 | DOI 33-38
Notes on the breeding status of Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) on St. Kitts, West Indies
Abstract 941 | PDF Downloads 643 | DOI 39-43
The Black Swift (Cypseloides niger) nesting in Guadeloupe
Abstract 827 | PDF Downloads 640 | DOI 44-47
Registros del Zopilote (Coragyps atratus) en la Sierra de Bibanasí, Cuba
Abstract 757 | PDF Downloads 662 | DOI 48-50
Primer hallazgo de nidificación del Vireo de Bahamas (Vireo crassirostris) para Cuba, en Cayo Paredón Grande
Abstract 758 | PDF Downloads 606 | DOI 51-54
La Tourterelle à Ailes Blanches (Zenaida asiatica), nouvelle espèce nicheuse en Guadeloupe
Abstract 772 | PDF Downloads 602 | DOI 55-56
First record of the Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) on Montserrat
Abstract 757 | PDF Downloads 585 | DOI 57-58
A rare observation of a male Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (Loxigilla noctis) on Barbados
Abstract 1022 | PDF Downloads 655 | DOI 59-62
First record of Great-Tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) breeding in the West Indies
Abstract 803 | PDF Downloads 621 | DOI 63-65
Nueva localidad para la distribución de la Gallinuela Escribano (Pardirallus maculates) en Cuba
Abstract 719 | PDF Downloads 592 | DOI 66
Book Reviews
Birds of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, by Bart de Boor, Eric Newton, and Robin Restall, 2011
Abstract 685 | PDF Downloads 562 | DOI 67
Seabird Breeding Atlas of the Lesser Antilles, by Katharine Lowrie, David Lowrie, and Natalia Collier, 2012
Abstract 875 | PDF Downloads 596 | DOI 68
Recent Ornithological Literature From the Caribbean
Recent Ornithological Literature from the Caribbean: 2009–2010
Abstract 690 | PDF Downloads 588 | DOI 69-70