First Record of Wilson's Phalarope, Phalaropus tricolor, for Tobago. William I. Murphy, Trevor Yip Hoi and Adolphus James…..2

Abstracts of Selected Papers Presented at the Wilson Ornithological Society and Cooper Ornithological Society Meetings, University of Oklahoma, May 1991…..3

Simposio de Zoologia, La Habana, Cuba. James W. Wiley…..4

Abstracts of Current Avian Research in Cuba…..11

La Ensenanza de las Ciencias Biologicas en la Educacion Superior 1 Taller Iberolatinoamericano…..11

Cuban Society of Zoology…..12

Primero Taller Sobre Ecologia Tropical…..12

Position Wanted…..13

Meetings of Interest…..13

Important Notice…..14

Published: 2019-02-20

Research Articles and Notes

First record of Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor, for Tobago

William L. Murphy, Trevor Yip Hoi, Adolphus James
Abstract 206 | PDF Downloads 81

Page 2-3

Recent Ornithological Literature From the Caribbean

Abstracts of current avian research in Cuba

JCO Editor
Abstract 189 | PDF Downloads 76

Page 11

Meeting Reports


Meetings of interest

JCO Editor
Abstract 159 | PDF Downloads 52

Page 13