In Memoriam: Rogelio Garcia 1926-1992. Carlos Wotzkow .....2
Observaciones Conducatuales en Algunas Aves de La Reserva De La Biosfera “Cuchillas Del Toa” (Guantanamo-Holguin), Cuba. Giraldo Alayon Garcia..... 2
Second Winter Sighting of the Common Black-headed Gull (Larus rudibundus) in St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. Wayne Burke.....4
Curso Anual: Comunidades de Aves Residentes y Migratorias, Tecnicas para su deteccion y evaluación.....4
Instituto de Ecologia y Sistematica.....5
Cuba to Host 1993 SCO Meeting.....5
Report on the 1992 SCO Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico.....5
Society’s Journal Published.....5
New Publications.....6
Meetings of Interest.....6
Procedures for Election of 1993-1994 Society Officers.....7
Board of Governors.....7
Published: 2019-02-20
Full Issue
Research Articles and Notes
Observaciones conductuales en algunas aves dela Reserva deal Biosfera "Cuchillas Del Toa" (Guantanamo- Holguin), Cuba
Abstract 204 | PDF Downloads 142Page 2-4
Second winter sighting of the common Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) in St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles
Abstract 200 | PDF Downloads 84Page 4
Recent Ornithological Literature From the Caribbean
New Publications
Abstract 188 | PDF Downloads 74Page 6
In Memoriam
In Memoriam: Rogelio Garcia
Abstract 200 | PDF Downloads 83Page 2
Meeting Reports
Report on the 1992 meeting of the SCO in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Abstract 154 | PDF Downloads 85Page 5
Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 65Page 4-6
Meetings of interest
Abstract 183 | PDF Downloads 75Page 6-7