Transito de Bombycilla cedrorum (Aves: Bombycillidae) en Localidades de la Ciudad de la Habana. Esteban Godinez, Jorge de la Cruz, Juan P. Soi y Santo Cubillas.....2
Lonchura malacca (Aves: Estrildidae), Nueva Especie para la avifauna cubana. Arturo Kirkconnell y Orlando Garrido.....2
Observations of the Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) and Baird’s Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii) in Puerto Rico. Alfredo J. Begaz.....3
Reproductive Ecology of the Cuban Parrot (Amazona leucocephala) in Los Indios, Isla de la Juventud
- Nest Selection. Alejandro Llanes Sosa, Rosendo Martinez Montero, and Vincente Berovides Alvarez.....3
- Population Dynamics. Vincente Berovides Alvare, Alejandro Llanes Sosa, and Rosendo Martinez Montero…..4
Book Review: A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad & Tobago, 2nd Edition. William L. Murphy.....4
1992 Meeting of the SCO in Puerto Rico….5
Psittacine Workshop.....6
1992 Columbid Working Group Meeting Report.....6
Draft Constitution for Society.....7
Allan Keith Steps Down as Society’s Treasurer.....7
News of Members.....7
Volunteers Needed.....7
Request for Assistance.....8
Meetings of Interest…..8
Published: 2019-02-20
Full Issue
Research Articles and Notes
Transito de Bombycilla cedrorum (Aves:Bombycillidae) en localidades de la Cuidad de la Habana
Abstract 187 | PDF Downloads 89Page 2
Lonchura malacca (Aves:Estrildidae) Nueva especie para la avifauna Cubana
Abstract 217 | PDF Downloads 122Page 2
Observations of the Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus Lobatus) and Baird's Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii) in Puerto Rico
Abstract 161 | PDF Downloads 82Page 3
Book Reviews
A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad & Tobago, 2nd Edition
Abstract 202 |Page 4-5
Recent Ornithological Literature From the Caribbean
Abstracts of Current Research in Cuba
Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 78Page 3-4
Meeting Reports
Chairman's report on the 1992 meeting of the Columbid working group
Abstract 192 | PDF Downloads 87Page 6-7
Announcement of 1992 Meeting of the Society of Caribbean Ornithology
Abstract 203 | PDF Downloads 76Page 5-6
Abstract 179 | PDF Downloads 53Page 7
Meetings of interest
Abstract 180 | PDF Downloads 57Page 7-10