The Spotted Rail Pardirallus maculatus in Jamaica. Catherine Levy.....2
Alpine Swift (Tachymarptis melba) photographed on St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles — Third Record for the Western Hemisphere. Wayne Burke.....3
Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) on North Andros Island, Bahamas. Michael E. Baltz.....4
The Absence of a Natal Plumage in the Hispaniolan Palm Chat, Dulus Dominicus (Dulinae, Passeriformes). David Kenneth Wetherbee.....4
Puerto Rican Parrots did it again in 1994: Once again they have shown their ability to recover. Jafet Vélez-Valentín.....4
Abstracts of Selected Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Caribbean Ornithology, Martinique, French West Indies.....5
News from Members: Bermuda. David B. Wingate.....12
News from Members: Additional Records for Antigua-Barbuda. Nathan P. Gricks.....12
III Simposio de Zoologia.....12
Report on the Meeting of the Association for Parrot Conservation, Guadalajara, Mexico, 7–11 June 1994. Donald Anthony.....13
Creation of a National Park in the Bahama Islands.....13
Aruba Seabirds Threatened.....13
Funds for Conservation Projects.....13
Grupo Ecologista Tinglar.....13
Latin American Library Enhancement Projects.....14
Request for Assistance.....14
1995 SCO Meeting in Trinidad.....14
Meetings of Interest.....15
Nominating and Voting Procedures for SCO Officers.....15
Published: 2019-02-20
Full Issue
Research Articles and Notes
The Spotted Rail Pardirallus maculatus in Jamaica
Abstract 204 | PDF Downloads 97Page 2-3
Alpine Swift ( Tachymarptis mela ) photographed on St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles- third record for the western hemisphere
Abstract 227 | PDF Downloads 86Page 3
Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) on North Andros Island, Bahamas
Abstract 208 | PDF Downloads 82Page 4
The absence of a natal plumage in the Hispaniolan Palm Chat, Dulus dominicus (Dulinae, Passeriformes)
Abstract 241 | PDF Downloads 95Page 4
Puerto Rican Parrots did it again in 1994: once again they have shown their ability to recover
Abstract 203 | PDF Downloads 81Page 4-5
Meeting Reports
Abstracts of selected papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Caribbean Ornithology, Martinique, French West Indies
Abstract 220 | PDF Downloads 83Page 5-11
Simposio de zoologia
Abstract 203 | PDF Downloads 83Page 12
Report on the meeting of the Association for parrot conservation, Guadalajara, Mexico, 7-11 June 1994
Abstract 152 | PDF Downloads 75Page 13
News from members
Abstract 197 | PDF Downloads 79Page 12
Abstract 202 | PDF Downloads 77Page 13-14
Meetings of interest
Abstract 184 | PDF Downloads 61Page 15