Research Articles and Notes
Seasonal changes in roost counts of the non-native White-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris versicolurus) in San Germán, Puerto Rico
Abstract 1461 | PDF Downloads 711 | DOI 1-6
The avifaunal composition in the Río Mayarí Delta, northeastern Cuba
Abstract 776 | PDF Downloads 629 | DOI 7-14
Bird egg and nest specimens in the collection of the Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, La Habana, Cuba
Abstract 851 | PDF Downloads 716 | DOI 15-23
Anidación de la Gaviota Filico (Sternula antillarum) y el Playero Picogrueso (Charadrius wilsonia cinnamominus) en las costas del estado Falcón
Abstract 943 | PDF Downloads 673 | DOI 24-30
Extirpation of the Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) on St. Martin, West Indies
Abstract 742 | PDF Downloads 603 | DOI 31-34
Notes on the avifauna of Cayo Paredón Grande, Cuba
Abstract 711 | PDF Downloads 608 | DOI 35-38
First record of White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) on Nevis
Abstract 744 | PDF Downloads 571 | DOI 39
Book Reviews
The Birds of Barbados: An Annotated Checklist, by P. A. Buckley, E. B. Massiah, M. B. Hutt, F. G. Buckley, and H. F. Hutt, 2009
Abstract 855 | PDF Downloads 650 | DOI 40