Research Articles and Notes
Trans-Atlantic vagrancy of Palearctic birds in Trinidad and Tobago
Abstract 1208 | PDF (English) Downloads 680Page 61-72
Características de la migración otoñal de las aves terrestres en varias regiones de Cuba
Abstract 850 | PDF (English) Downloads 1181Page 73-90
Recent breeding records and status review of the Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Abstract 760 | PDF (English) Downloads 618Page 91-96
Disponibilidad de presas para las aves acuáticas en los campos inundados de la arrocera sur del Jíbaro durante el ciclo de cultivo del arroz
Abstract 714 | PDF (English) Downloads 613Page 97-103
Conducta reproductiva y nidificación del Sinsontillo (Polioptila Lembeyei)
Abstract 714 | PDF (English) Downloads 702Page 104-107
Predation of a Golden Swallow (Tachycineta euchrysea) nest by the Indian mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) in the Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic
Abstract 744 | PDF (English) Downloads 591Page 108-109
Nuevos registros para la avifauna del sector Cupeyal del Norte, Parque Alejandro de Humboldt, Cuba
Abstract 1078 | PDF (English) Downloads 612Page 110-112
Three new migratory bird species reported from Hispaniola
Abstract 733 | PDF (English) Downloads 600Page 113-115
Book Reviews
The Birds of St. Lucia, West Indies: An Annotated Checklist, by Allan R. Keith, 1997
Abstract 705 | PDF (English) Downloads 580Page 116
Aves Acuáticas en los Humedales de Cuba (Waterbirds in the Wetlands of Cuba), by Lourdes Mugica Valdés, Dennis Denis Ávila, Martín Acosta Cruz, Ariam Jiménez Reyes, and Antonio Rodríguez Suárez, 2006
Abstract 728 | PDF (English) Downloads 578Page 117
A Bibliography of Ornithology in the West Indies, by James W. Wiley, 2000
Abstract 700 | PDF (English) Downloads 569Page 118
Dominica’s Birds, by Arlington James, Stephen Durand, and Bertrand Jno. Baptiste, 2005
Abstract 773 | PDF (English) Downloads 565Page 119