In memoriam: Dr. James W. Wiley, 1943–2018

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Jason M. Townsend
Rafaela Aguilera Román
Felisa Collazo Torres
José González Díaz
Chandra Degia
Hiram González Alonso
Floyd E. Hayes
Lyndon Johns
Steven C. Latta
Lourdes Mugica Valdés
Nils Navarro Pacheco
Fernando Nuñez-García
Carlos Peña
Herbert Raffaele
Pedro Regalado
Ernesto Reyes Mouriño
Yaroddy Rodríguez
Bárbara Sánchez Oria
Helen Snyder
Joseph Wunderle

This In Memoriam is a celebration of Jim Wiley's scientific and conservation accomplishments, and also of the deep personal connections he made throughout his life as a conservation biologist.  Twenty authors contributed to this article to create a picture of Jim's impact throughout the Caribbean.  Jim leaves behind a lasting legacy, both in the works he published and in the careers he fostered.

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