Report of the Workshop “Using Participatory Natural Resource Management as a Tool for Conservation”

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Nicole Leotaud

THE SOCIETY for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) invited the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) to facilitate two workshops on “Using Participatory Natural Resource Management as a Tool for Conservation.” The workshop objectives were that by the end of the one-day workshop, participants would be able to: 1. Define various types of participatory natural resource management (PNRM); 2. Define key concepts in PNRM – stakeholder, institution, natural resource management, livelihoods; 3. Discuss the value of using participatory processes in natural resource management; 4. Identify examples of PNRM in the Caribbean; 5. Identify some key tools in PNRM–for example, stakeholder identification and analysis, capacity analysis and capacity building, stakeholder mobilisation, and conflict management; 6. Develop preliminary strategies and key action points for application of PNRM to a case study. 

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